Chat PDF

Transform your PDFs into engaging conversations

Bring life to your pages. Work smarter with books, research papers, tutorials, instruction manuals, training, and legal documents.

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Chat with your PDF files

Chat PDF Pro is another dimension to interact with your PDF files. Upload your documents and start asking questions.

Interact with multiple PDF files
You can upload multiple PDF files and interact with them in the same chat session.
Smart Referencing
Get your answers and the reference to the answers for further reading side–by–side.
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Create and save custom chat sessions and continue anytime from where you left off.
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Our Chat PDF Pro has helped thousands of users to work smarter and faster, and we're proud of it.

"As a law student, Chat PDF Pro has been a lifesaver during late-night study sessions. Easily finding key cases in PDFs and discussing them with classmates has made learning so much more interactive and fun!"

Emma Johnson
Student at Monash Uni

"Major stress reliever. It's so easy to use, and being able to chat about documents with peers helped me ace my exams!""

Ethan Davis

"I'm a third-year student, and Chat PDF Pro has completely changed how I manage my research papers. It's like having a study group in my pocket!"

Jake Martinez
Student at Laurentian University

"Being a lawyer means dealing with endless documents. This app not only helps me stay organized but also lets me collaborate with my team effortlessly. It's a game-changer!"

Sophia Lee
Lawyer @ Victory Law

"I never realized how much time I wasted searching through PDFs until I started using Chat PDF Pro. It's efficient, intuitive, and perfect for busy students like me."

Olivia Brown

"Awesome APP for swifting through API documents. Made my life so easy."

Azard Mahroof

"I used to get lost in a sea of articles for my dissertation. Chat PDF Pro helped me stay organized and engage more deeply with my research. Absolutely love it!"

Noah Harris

"I never realized how much time I wasted searching through PDFs until I started using Chat PDF Pro. It's efficient, intuitive, and perfect for busy students like me."

Jese Leos

"As a paralegal, juggling multiple cases is challenging. Chat PDF Pro has made document management a breeze, improving my workflow significantly."

Mia Anderson